Shadow Vagrant

Vagrant setup to generte Vagrant base images for ROS work and machines for Shadow projects. Uses Virtual Box for virtualisation and uses Ansible for configuration managment, see ansible directory at root of the project for the playbooks and a set of roles for setting up ROS machines, users and workspaces.

What you'll find here

Different machines configuration are stored here:

  • hand/ is a stable machine for working with the simulated Shadow Hand
  • dev/ contains the development machines (source install, development environment setup)
    • dev/hand is a development machine for the Shadow Hand
  • production contains the machines used for shipping to customers
    • production/hand is the Hand for customers machine
  • ronex
  • experimental contains more advanced machines (different ros versions, different projects, etc...)
  • ros-base used to build vagrant base images used for the other boxes.

Install and Setup

To start, install the latest virtual box. We have been using the oracle release (not the plain Ubuntu packages) and you will need to install the extension pack. I'd suggest adding their repo to your machine.

Next you need ansible, for trusty:

apt-get install ansible

Older ubuntus and developers may need a source install of ansible.

Now grab the build tools:

git clone

Start the hand machine

To start a machine cd into it's directory and vagrant up. For the hand:

cd sr-build-tools/vagrant/hand
vagrant up

New ROS Vagrant machine from base image

mkdir ~/rosvm
cd ~/rosvm
vagrant init ros-indigo-desktop-trusty64
# Set vb.gui = true in Vagrantfile
vagrant up